1、What is politeness in your opinion?你认为什么是礼貌?
Politeness means you dont make others uncomfortable around you, instead they would feel respected and have the honor. They help us to have less trouble from others, and those who associate with us will also learn how to behave well and respect the others. including eating quietly and neatly, paying attention to the person who is talking to you, not gossiping, laughing even if the joke isnt funny. Not jump the queue, Not smoke in the public, and so on.
2、When you were child who taught you to be polite?
想起有一个小故事,记者问:“在您一生中,最重要的东西是在哪所大学、哪个实验室里学到的?”一位白发苍苍的诺贝尔奖获得者平静地回答:“是在幼儿园。” 记者非常惊奇:“为什么是在幼儿园?您认为您在幼儿园里学到了什么呢?”老人答:“在幼儿园里,我学会了很多很多。比如,把自己的东西分一半给小伙伴们;不是自己的东西不要拿;东西要放整齐;饭前要洗手;午饭后要休息;做了错事要表示歉意;学习要多思考,要仔细观察大自然。我认为,我学到的全部东西就是这些。”
Actually, my parents and teachers in my kindergarten and primary school instructed me how to behave myself. for example, they told me to share my stuff in half with my playmates, don’t take others’ stuff without asking, say sorry when I did something wrong, and so forth.
3、Why is it important to be polite to people?
To begin with , the words and deeds(言行) of a person show his quality. When getting along with others, people with high quality are well-liked and well-respected. Thus, it puts other people at ease(使某人感到舒适) and also helps decrease the social distance between two people, making it easier to communicate. As it were(可以说), politeness is the foundation of strong relationships. Besides that, I am polite to others and vice versa(反之亦然), and in the course of time(久而久之), it can form favorable social morals(良好的社会风尚/道德).
4、Do you think people became more or less polite in your country compared to when you were a child?
Personally, I feel that some people are getting less polite. Firstly, technology makes its own contribution to the losing of politeness through increasing indifference (冷漠)among people. For example, it is the dominance of mobile phone that has largely reduced the willingness of people to have face-to-face conversations with their family members. Besides that, the fast pace in modern society is another contributing factor to poor manners. Compared to last few decades, today’s people are inflicted with loads of work and are under much heavier pressure of all kinds. As a result, the majority of them tend to have too limited time to get out of their way to help strangers or to show good manners everywhere through minor details such as putting chairs under the table before they leave the food court.
5、In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?
注重仪表:pay attention to deportment
遵守诺言:keep promise
不说脏话:no bad words/swear words/dirty words
不抖腿:don’t shake legs when sitting
吃饭不发出噪音:don’t make noise when eating
插队:jumping the queue/cut in line
打岔:interrupting others s talking
背后中伤他人:backbiting others
吐痰/乱扔垃圾:spit in the public/ litter around
大声喧哗:speak loud in the public
6、Are we less polite with members of our families than with people we don’t know?
Chinese people prefer “not to say thank you when a great favor is done for you” (an old Chinese saying), so the closer the relationship gets, the less emphasis is put on “politeness”, which is considered to have the potential of estranging friends and/or family. Take myself as an example, I have never heard my parents saying “thank you”, or “could you please …?”when they want a favor from each other.
7、Do you think we should be polite to those who are not being polite to us?
如果遇到没有礼貌的人,尽管心里不爽,但是也不能失礼,不要tit for tat(以牙还牙,针锋相对),还是要构建和谐社会嘛。
Although I would feel annoyed when being treated impolitely, I wouldn’t tit for tat. After all, politeness are the means of developing social relations and the backbone of a harmonious society.It will help to build up a more civilized society. Without good manners, people are easy to quarrel, get others furious and lower the efficiency of communications.